********per order, it will dispatch around 24/4/2022********
- Price reduced from $459We are one of the first companies importing garden sheds into New Zealand. Till this year, we have been dis...
********per order, it will dispatch around 24/4/2022********
- Price reduced from $459We are ...
* Please ensure you include a phone number with your order for courier reasons.
Model: YH-G2H1408I-AKL
==Why buy from Living4less== #10 Years Manufacturing Warranty #N...
* Please ensure you include a phone number with your order for courier reasons.
Brand: ...
***Pre order, dispatch and pick up around 28/04/2024********
Brand: STEELMATES Model: ST20094-H128-F-V-GREY-AKL
==Why buy from Living4less== #10 Years Manufacturing Warranty #NZ Trusted Brand...
***Pre order, dispatch and pick up around 28/04/2024********
Brand: STEELMATES Model: ST200...
Brand: STEELMATES Model:ST20094-H128-F-V-CREAM
Keep your garden free from gardening and barbecue clutter with this sturdy metal tool shed. It is fireproof, rot and rodent resistant. Locka...
Brand: STEELMATES Model:ST20094-H128-F-V-CREAM
Keep your garden free from gardening and...
* Please ensure you include a phone number with your order for courier reasons.
Brand: STEELMATES Model: F2H1106I-AKL
Why buy Living4less Garden Sheds#0.32mm Thick steel(cheap one only 0.2...
* Please ensure you include a phone number with your order for courier reasons.
Brand: ST...
* Please ensure you include a phone number with your order for courier reasons.
Brand: STEELMATES Model: G2H1108I-AKL
==Why buy from Living4less==
#10 Years Manufacturing Warranty #...
* Please ensure you include a phone number with your order for courier reasons.
Brand: ...